Thursday, September 17, 2009

Create Industrial-Strength Passwords with Secret Word

Ever worry about using SPOCKNCC1701 as the password for your bank accounts, blogs, and email?

Now you can replace your tired old hackable passwords with something really secure like, !;@#pkL$, Qk$f!-Be#.!iq, or even FVGS:cwsjY$:%X with this elegant and simple app from Bay Area developer Alex Roberts.

Secret Word does one thing and does it well: generates passwords. Just tap the “recirculate” icon and a new one appears. Choose any length from four to twelve characters, include symbols, or limit your passwords to letters and numbers. You can tap to copy and save the passwords in Notes or use the Mail icon to send them via your default e-mail account. That's it! So simple, a drunken chicken could use it while scuba diving and the gradient carbon fiber mesh background looks great on your screen.

Pros: Easy, Effective, Useful, and Beautiful

Cons: None found

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