Saturday, April 3, 2010

Download and Install Install0us 2.5

Update: Installous (which has nothing to do with Install0us) has released a 3.0 version to their app. It has many upgrades from Install0us 2.5 and is easier to install. Find the new Installous 3.1.1 here.

Install0us 2.5.2, the beta version of Installous has been shut down. You can find more information about that, see the Install0us blog. With the project went the repo that had the application. This will show you how to get Install0us 2.5.2 without the repo.
How to Install
  1. Download the Install0us deb file:
  2. Using SSH, move the deb file into the /private/var/root directory on your device.
  3. Go into Cydia on your device and install Terminal.
  4. Open Terminal and type in login then press the return key.
  5. Type in root then press the return key.
  6. Type in alpine (you won't see any characters but keep typing). Tthen press the return key. 
  7. Now type in dpkg -i /var/root/install0us.deb
  8. Close Terminal and restart your device, the app will be on your home screen.
If you have trouble installing applications, add the Installous repo ( to Cydia and install App Sync.

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