Sunday, November 14, 2010

FilmOn Free Live TV for Your iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

We all tried to get free live streaming TV on to our iPad/iPhone/iPod touch but never seemed to find a way to do that until now.

FilmOn a new site that has just been released less than 2 months ago is a website where you can directly watch live tv straight off your iPad/iPhone/iPod touch. FilmOn is free and there's no need to make a account either. FilmOn is facing some legal issues but the owner of the website is a very wealthy man who is going to try everything to keep the site up but may start to charge in a later time.
We don't know when he will start to charge but hopefully it's a reasonable price. Their are around 20 channels that your can stream straight to your iPad/iPhone/iPod touch completely free like NBC,ABC,CNN,FOX,and many more.

There have been some complaints about lag or freezing but if you have a 4g iPhone or iPod touch your shouldn't have any problems.

To watch free live TV go to

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