Sunday, February 21, 2010

Delnoch Theme

This theme is one big eye candy. Icons from the Delnoch theme are plain-text and are put around the border in a very stylish way. This arrangement emphasizes the wallpaper and gives a more open and clean look to your device.

The themes can be customized in a variety of different arrangements and icons. Each theme contains around 15 icons that lead to a Categories folder where all of your icons fit.

How to Install this Theme

  1. Make sure you are jailbroken. (How do I do that?) And that you are on or at an above firmware of 3.0. (How do I check?)
  2. Make sure you have downloaded Winterboard from Cydia.
  3. Download the package by clicking the screenshots of this theme.

  4. Decompress the theme, place the folder (the folder name should end with .theme) into /private/var/stash/Themes.xxxxxx/
  5. Open Winterboard, drag the theme to the very top and tap on it to give it a check mark.
  6. Press your home button and let your device respring.

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