Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sharp HD Theme

Sharp, by Hunter890 of MacThemes, is just as the theme name suggests, a sharp, clean-looking theme for your device.

The theme currently contains about 30 icons but it sure to grow as this theme will become quickly popular and icons will be created.

You can create your own icons for the Sharp theme with a .psd file for you to edit. Download the .psd here.

How to Install this Theme
  1. Make sure you are jailbroken. (How do I do that?) And that you are on or at an above firmware of 3.0. (How do I check?)
  2. Make sure you have downloaded Winterboard. Five-Column Springboard and five icon dock are optional downloads.
  3. Download the theme by clicking here.
  4. Decompress the theme, place the folders (the folder name should end with .theme) into /private/var/stash/Themes.xxxxxx/ using WinSCP or CyberDuck.
  5. Open Winterboard, drag the theme to the very top and tap on it to give it a check mark.
  6. Press your home button and let your device respring.

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