Monday, October 5, 2009

Adobe Flash to Come to iPhone

Today at Adobe's MAX 2009 conference in Los Angeles, Adobe unveiled that, from our knowledge, is unknown by Apple. Developers will now be able to create iPhone apps in Flash CS5 and export the app in .ipa file format. If you didn't already know, .ipa format this the file style that apps for the App Store are created in.

A member of the Adobe Flash team was quoted saying:
"We've done a lot of work to make sure that applications are quick and interactive, and give you the kind of experience that you would expect from Flash, as well as the kind of experience that you've come to expect on your iPhone.
The apps that are created in CS5 are 100% compliant with Apple's app store regulations. This means that it has now become much easier for anyone to create iPhone apps. For a few examples check out Chroma Circuit, and Fickleblox which are currently on the App Store and have been created using Adobe Flash CS5. This also means that it is possible that iPhone apps can be created on a machine running Windows OS.

Here is a video demonstrating CS5 Applications on iPhone.

Adobe Flash CS5 is not expected to be released until after the end of 2009.

Today Adobe also confirmed that a native flash player for the iPhone or iPod touch will not be coming out any time soon because of Apple's restrictions on apps that can be admitted into the App Store. Hopefully Apple will wise up and give an exception to Adobe.

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